Schedule of Events
High School Art Day, on April 26, 2024, will take place in Arts & Communication Building with registration occurring in the lobby by the Priebe Gallery.
8:30-9:30 a.m. | Welcome and Registration
High school art students and their teachers arrive at the UWO campus for registration. They are given a building map and directed to specific rooms in which to:
- Pinup or display their artwork for the competition
- View work from other high schools
- Visit the Galleries
9:30-11 a.m. | Workshop Session
- Students go to designated workshop rooms.
- Art Education Majors teach workshops, each addressing a different media
- Before students leave, they will fill out a short survey/feedback form about the workshop.
- After the workshop, students leave on-site artwork in the room and pick it up after the closing ceremony.
11-11:10 a.m. | Break
Travel to critique rooms. Students view artwork from other schools in the critique rooms if they did not have time earlier in the morning.
11-noon | Critique
- Students return to the critique rooms in which they deposited their off-site artwork for verbal and written feedback from UWO art faculty.
- Artwork selected for the HSAD exhibition will be announced at this time.
12:00-12:20 p.m. | Artwork Pickup
- Students pick up their off-site work in critique rooms and on-site projects from workshop studios if necessary.
- Goodbye and thank you for your participation.
Department of Art
Main: (920) 424-2222 | Gallery Office: (920) 424-2235
Arts and Communication Center S123 and S127
926 Woodland Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54901