Directions to Campus

Check-in for HSAD will occur in the center lobby of the Arts & Communication Building. The closing statements for the HSAD, April 25, will take place in the Experimental Theater.

This year the HSAD Exhibition which will be held from April 29 – May 3, 2025, in Reeve Union in the Gail Floether Steinhilber Gallery on the third floor. The closing reception will be held on May 3 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. The awards will be announced at 4 p.m. The Reeve Union is located in the center of campus. See the map link below.

For High School Art Day we ask parking to lift restrictions for the day of the event.  The parking lots included in the request are 11 and 27 for the parking of cars and vans.  If you will be bringing a bus, please contact in advance for directions.

Department of Art
Main: (920) 424-2222  |  Gallery Office: (920) 424-2235
Arts and Communication Center S123 and S127
926 Woodland Ave., Oshkosh, WI 54901