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Free Alumni Email Account

All alumni are eligible for a free email account, powered by Google Apps for Education. Graduating seniors are encouraged to transition to an alumni email account within the first few weeks of graduation before their student account is closed.
Log in to an existing account
If you already have an account, you can log in at or add the account via your mobile device “Google” or “Gmail” account settings. If you are already logged into a or other Google account on your computer, click your profile in the upper right corner and choose “Add another account”
To request an account
If you still have access to your UW Oshkosh NetID, visit the request page to sign up.
If you no longer have access to your netID, Please call (877) UWO-ALUM or e-mail to request an account.
For immediate account creation, you’ll want to request an account before your NetID account expires. This is typically 6 weeks after the end of your graduating semester and you’ll get an email notice before that happens. Any UW Oshkosh alum can request a new account, but it will need to be verified by the Alumni office if your NetID has been deactivated.
Who can help me solve technical problems with my account?
Contact the UW Oshkosh IT Help Desk at or call (920) 424-3020.
What is the cost?
The UW Oshkosh Alumni Association provides every alum with an e-mail account at no charge.
Why would I want a UW Oshkosh alumni e-mail account if I already have an e-mail service provider I am satisfied with?
So your college friends can find you. Your UW Oshkosh alumni e-mail account can be set up to forward all messages to another address. This means people can always e-mail you at your address, as long as you keep your forwarding e-mail address up-to-date. For example: Someone sends an e-mail to The message is forwarded immediately to Of course, if you decide you want to use your alumni e-mail address as your primary address, simply turn off the forwarding option.
What is e-mail forwarding?
E-mail forwarding is an option for all alumni e-mail accounts. It means messages sent to a certain e-mail address are forwarded to another address. For example: Someone sends an e-mail to The message is forwarded immediately to As long as you keep your forwarding e-mail address up-to-date, people can always e-mail you at your address.
How do I set up e-mail forwarding?
After you’ve signed up and logged in to your new Alumni account, Follow the address forwarding instructions at Google to set your forwarding address.
What if I change e-mail service providers?
If you change your e-mail service provider, you will need to update your forwarding e-mail address. You can update your forwarding e-mail address anytime by following the instructions above (How Do I Set Up E-mail Forwarding).
How much disk space is available?
25 GB
Can I send attachments through this e-mail account?
Is there a size limit for attachments?
Yes, 25 MB.
Who can see my personal information?
The privacy of your personal information is our top priority. Only alumni office personnel will have access to your personal information provided to register an account.
Can I transfer messages from my student account to a new alumni account?
Your Alumni account is a completely separate account from your student accounts. Existing mail on your student account can’t be automatically copied to your Alumni account.
You may want to forward individually any messages from your student account to your Alumni account that you wish to keep before your student account is discontinued. Graduating students may contact the Information Technology Help Desk to request a 1-semester extension on their student account if additional time is needed to retrieve important messages.
How do I get a password?
You will be provided with a temporary password when your account is created. You will be prompted to change the temporary password the first time the account is used.
How do I change my password?
Follow the password change instructions at Google to change your password.
What if I forget my password?
You can call the IT Help Desk at (920) 424-3020 to reset your password. Be sure to identify yourself as an alum.
What will my UW Oshkosh alumni e-mail address be?
Most UW Oshkosh alumni e-mail addresses follow this format:
- the first initial of your first name
- your last name (up to twelve characters), and
- the last two digits of your graduation year
- followed by
Variance will occur when more than two alumni from any class year share the same first initial and last name.
Can I change my UW Oshkosh alumni e-mail address?
No, your UW Oshkosh alumni e-mail address cannot be changed.
Can I look up other alumni e-mail addresses?
To protect the privacy of your information, our directory is not searchable. However, the Alumni Relations Office can assist you in finding friends you’ve lost touch with. E-mail or call (877) UWO-ALUM.
Are there virus and spam filters on this account?
Yes. Google provides spam and anti-virus protection for all accounts. Use the “report spam” and “not spam” buttons on your account to help weed out junk mail.
Do you support desktop email clients?
We recommend using the web interface as your primary interface for mail. You can set up a mail client such as Thunderbird or Apple Mail by following the instructions on Google’s client configuration page Be sure to enter your full Alumni email address (for example as the user name.
Can I use my phone to access my email?
Any phone which supports a Google account can be used, simply choose the Google account type and use your full Alumni email address as the username.
See these instructions at Google for details. You can also use the instructions above to set up any phone software which is compatible with the IMAP protocol.
An email just asked for my password, is this legitimate?
No, this is not legitimate. No one from UW Oshkosh will ask for your password. This is an attempt by someone to gain access to your account to use for spamming.
What Google services are available?
The Google services we provide to Alumni accounts match those permitted for UW Oshkosh accounts. At present these services are: Mail, Calendar, Drive, Groups, Maps, and YouTube. Services which require or use payment (wallet, play store, etc.) will not be enabled.