Hello all, Carmen (trip advisor) here! The students did such a great job blogging all week, I thought I would let them rest and do the final post while we drive home!
Today we left Blue Ridge Assembly YMCA dark and early at 6:00 a.m. We hustled out the door with all of our items and stowed our cabin garbage safely in the bear proof trash bins. We took a final group selfie and said goodbye to our cabin and the beautiful camp that was our home away from home!
Our wonderful week ended with an incredible sunrise in the Apalachine Mountains as we weaved our way through the mountains…most people were sleeping but the navigator in the lead van made sure to get a few pictures for the group and all of you to see! I must say, the pictures don’t do the view justice, it was breathtaking!
To the members of this incredible experience…
Thank you for being brave and taking a chance with this trip! Your courageous spirit and competitive nature made every service project and group activity memorable in all the best ways! The support and encouragement was contagious…and of course, so was the laughter! The culture of “challenge accepted”, appreciation, and genuine care for one another made this group and trip very special. You have all left a permanent mark on my heart and I can’t imagine a more perfect ending to Women’s HERstory Month than this empowering trip with women dedicated to their personal and professional leadership development! Thank you for bringing your A Game and allowing everyone to be their self! 💕
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