Hello blog readers! Today after breakfast, we headed to Caoba farms, which is a new portion of the trip that has been added. Caoba Farms is a sustainable organic farm that grows food and several plants. Along with having many animals on site. We were split up into 3...
Wow! Arches and Canyonlands National Park(s) are AMAZING. National Parks rely each year on trail crews, clean up crews and general work crews to keep these federal lands pristine and accessible and our UW Oshkosh team is helping to maintain. This has been a great way...
Today started much like every other day, the only difference was five of us had to get up and do breakfast this morning at 6:30. The rest of us rolled in for breakfast and lunch making between 7-7:40. After we were done with breakfast we left around 8:30 to head to...
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