Chelsea says:
Today we presented the educational campaign and the mural to the 1st
through 6th graders at the school we have been working with this week
and I couldn’t be more proud of the UW Oshkosh students and all the
OYE scholars that made it happen. Everyone did a great job and we were
a big hit at an extended recess dance party. The reception that we
received from the young students and teachers was heartwarming. I am a
big supporter of TOMS Shoes and I often use the story of the company
and the book Start Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie in my
leadership curriculums. Seeing “giving pairs” of TOMS on the students
feet remind me why I passionately support this company and those that
work to break down the barriers to equal access to education. Shout
out to Amanda Hall from OYE for making our trip such a success. We are
truly grateful.
Emily says:
OYE has been absolutely amazing! I love the organization and everything that comes with being involved! The scholars have been awesome! They understand I am horrible at Spanish but have slowly helped me get better and I have also been helping them with their English! I was so happy with how the mural tired out! It took a couple of days but it turned out awesome and all the kids loved it! Today we spent the day in the escuela with the students. It has by far been one of my favorite days! The kids were excited about the mural, game, and song. Once we were done we were able to hang out with the kids which was awesome! They love getting their picture taken. I can’t believe this trip has come to an end so quickly! I’m going to miss everything but for now I am going to live up the last day!
I’m sending a shout out to all the kids I met today! You have truly left an imprint on my heart!
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