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Hello everyone back home! This is Angie. As Ashley said before, today was our last day working on the mural. It looks fantastic and I couldn’t be more proud of our ASB/OYE team! Saying our goodbyes at the school was definitely an emotional experience for all of us. It was so weird how close I was able to get to some of the kids regardless of the language barrier. I taught them a couple new games by the way (duck duck goose and down by the banks)! They caught on pretty quickly despite my terrible Spanish, and they even managed to teach me a couple new games!

The adults I have met through the school have had just as much an impact on me as the kids. The schools English teacher is definitely someone I will never forget. He inspires the children to be their best and they show him great respect, yet you see the love he has for each of his students. Luckily, I got the chance to say goodbye before we left. He thanked me and stressed how important the work here my group and I were doing. I ended by shaking his hand and he told me “I know I’ll see you again. You’ll be back.” The funny thing is, I think he might be right. Needless to say, I’m sad to see this trip come to an end. It’s changed and inspired me in more ways then I expected.
Tonight we are headed to one of my FRIENDS houses, Oscar. I’m excepting a lot of fun, dancing, music, dancing, food, and uhhh…dancing. Until next time friends…buenos noches!

Side note: Today I met a man named Francesco! He owns a store here in town and he used to live in Kenosha, WI!! What are the chances?!



