Our last post got cut off, which we were able to tell everyone yesterday. On Saturday after we landed in Guatemala we had about an hour drive to the As Green As It Gets house. The drive was very scary as Guatemala does not have laws like we have in the USA. People walk in the streets and highways, follow no real speed laws, and weave in and out of the lanes. Once we got to the house we basically showered and went to bed after our long, long day of travel.
To finish up the post portion that was talking about our trip into Antigua (On Sunday)… After we visited the church ruins, we walked over to San Pedro’s museum. He was a man who healed Guatemalans and this place was dedicated to him. Because it is the time of Lent, many Guatemalans were there giving thanks. The museum itself was not very large, but there were gardens and many things to look at. Harvey also talked about the volcanos in Guatemala because we were at a good vantage point to see them.
From there we walked to get in place to be able to see the Procession. The Procession is another thing that is being done in the time of Lent. There were dyed sawdust and flower designs, bands, and then 90 people carrying an enormous float like Catholic memorial…thing. (I wish we could add pictures, it would make much more sense) we had to wait about an hour for the Procession to pass, and this was when many of us got sunburnt. (We have some awesome burn line among us!)
After that we finally got some much needed lunch at a small cafe. I was delicious! We relaxed there for some time, chatting and refueling for our next trek. From lunch we hiked up a big hill to see Cross on the Hill. (It’s name is exactly what it is) it was a fantastic vantage point of Antigua and we took a ton of group pictures there. The hike up and down wasn’t that bad because there were stairs.
After that we headed across town to the bus terminal to take a ‘Chicken bus’ which is the Guatemalan public transportation basically. It is painted and lit up all crazy and is always packed full. Lucky for us, ours wasn’t too packed, but adjusting to how fast it drives was very hard.
Once we got home we had a little down time before we had dinner with Filberto,one of the AGAIG farmers. His family Madison chicken, corn with rice, and some vegetable salad. It was soooo good. They also served a traditional juice drink that is served warm, it was also really great. He talked a lot with us (translated by Nicole) and we learned a great deal about him.
After dinner we walked back to the house and worked on some group reflections. Afterwards we played games as a group. We played a version of Pictionary for awhile and then we played Mafia. It was a blast and a great bonding opportunity.
We are hoping to have our posts more consistent from here on out!
I hear those in Wisconsin are going to get snow? It’s in the 80s here…. 🙂
Marie is going to be posting what we did today momentarily!
Love to all,
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