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Academic Standing

Good Academic Standing

View the Registrar’s complete Good Academic Standing Policy

Students are expected to meet the following criteria for good academic standing:

  1. Maintain a minimum of 2.0 official (UWO) cumulative grade point average.
  2. Earn a minimum of 1.0 term grade point average.

Academic Standing Codes & Meanings

Cause of StandingAcademic Standing
Cumulative GPA drops below 2.00 for 1 termProbation 1
Cumulative GPA drops below a 2.00 for 2 consecutive termsProbation 2
After suspension appeal is approvedProbation 3
Term GPA drops below a 1.00 for 1 termSuspension 1
Cumulative GPA drops below a 2.00 for 3 consecutive termsSuspension 2
Failed to obtain a Good Standing after re-entered from suspensionSuspension 5
Failed to obtain a Good Standing after suspension appeal approvedSuspension 6

Situations that may affect academic standing

I received a grade change or completed a late drop or term withdrawal that improved my academic standing. What do I do?

You must email to have your academic standing changed. This will not change automatically.

I feel that external forces contributed to my academic problems. What can I do?

If you believe your academic performance was affected by extenuating circumstances, and you can provide appropriate documentation, you may choose to pursue a term withdrawal (withdrawing from all classes for the current semester) by contacting the Dean of Students Office, 125 Dempsey Hall, 424-3100.

What are “extenuating circumstances?”

Extenuating circumstances are situations in which external factors interfered with the ability to perform well academically through no fault of the student. Examples include death of an immediate family member, auto accident, or medical reasons such as severe illness or emotional trauma.

I feel that I need assistance working through personal circumstances that contributed to my academic performance. Where can I go for help?

You are encouraged to schedule a free and confidential appointment with a counselor in the University Counseling Center, 240 Student Success Center, 424-2061, or a personal counselor of your choice.

The University’s faculty and staff encourage you to utilize the number of outstanding resources available to support your academic endeavors. Please remember, however, that academic success is ultimately your responsibility.



Students are placed on probation or suspension following the 14-week term when they fail to satisfy the Good Standing Requirements. See our Academic Probation & Suspension page for more information. 


Why does the College Care if my GPA is Below 2.0?

There are two reasons the college cares:

  • Students must have a UW Oshkosh GPA of at least 2.0 to be eligible for graduation (some majors require a higher than a 2.0 GPA for graduation). Additionally, students who consistently achieve a low GPA are most likely behind in graduation requirements. Allowing students to incur more debt while continually achieving poor results can be damaging to the student’s academic and financial record.
  • Upholding the academic integrity and standards of the college.

Additional Questions

If you have more questions about your academic standing or the appeals process, please email