Early Alert Information
Early Alert was created by faculty at UW Oshkosh to help students better track their academic progress in their courses. Instructors complete “Progress Reports” in Navigate for students in 14-week undergraduate courses they evaluate as “At Risk to Fail.” Each time a student is marked “At Risk to Fail” one of the following reasons must be selected;
- Class attendance
- Frequently not participating or prepared
- Habitually late to class
- Incomplete/missing assignments
- Low assignments/test/quiz scores
- Other (comments are not visible to students)
Emails are sent to undergraduate students marked “At Risk to Fail” during the 5th week of each semester. These emails will identify the reason provided by the instructor and provide suggested actions and resources for improvement.
It is critically important the instructors teaching 100 and 200 level courses, courses with a large number of first year students, participate in Early Alert. First year students are not yet able to accurately evaluate their progress, often over-estimating their grade, and need feedback from instructors early on in order to develop good academic habits.
Tips for Completing Early Alert
- Instructors will receive an email with a unique link to their class rosters from Navigate when Early Alert begins
- Instructors need only enter information for students at-risk to fail; all other students can be left blank.
- For every Yes, you are required to select at least one Alert Reason
- OPTIONAL: For students not at risk to fail you may mark the At Risk to Fail field as No and provide further information for the student if you wish. The student can view the information you provide on the Navigate website and student app.
- OPTIONAL: Absences, letter grade and comments may be included. Students will appreciate your comments.
- Click the appropriate submit button at the bottom of the page. Explanations of each submit option are provided under each button.
- For every Yes choice on the At Risk to Fail field, the student, their Advisor, and their athletic coach (if athlete) are notified via email when you click one of the submit buttons. No notification emails are sent for selection of No or if left blank
- Students marked at risk to fail receive an email immediately after you click submit. Students can view the full progress report on the Navigate website and student app.
- Early Alert is intended for undergraduate 14-week courses. Instructors teaching 7-week courses are not expected to submit Progress Reports for Early Alert.
For more information about Early Alert (detailed instructions, FAQs and sample student emails) please click on:
Early Alert is coordinated by the UW Oshkosh Navigate Leadership Team:
Dr. Eric Brunsell (Associate Dean, COEHS)
Lisa Danielson (Registrar)
Dr. Aggie Hanni (AVC, Enrollment Management)
Brandon Heise (Information Technology)
Charlie Hill (AVC, Provost Office)
Dr. Jakob Iversen (Associate Dean, COB)
Jeri Kukurich (Student Affairs, Access Campuses)
Jason Mott (Associate Dean, CON)
Dr. Kimberly Rivers (Interim Dean, COLS)
Dr. Stacy Skoning (Faculty, COEHS)
Jessica Spanbauer (Director of Tutoring)
Elizabeth Whalley (Director of Academic Advising)
Student Success Center | Suite 202
750 Elmwood Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Solution Center | Suite 1140
1478 Midway Rd
Menasha, WI 54952