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Best Practices

This link takes you to the website for a national organization that promotes and supports quality academic advising in institutions of higher education.  The website operates as a forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of ideas pertaining to academic advising through numerous activities and publications.

Wisconsin Academic Advising Association (WACADA):

This link takes you to the website of a state organization that provides opportunities for networking and professional development and encourages members to participate in professional development activities, supports and promotes professional standards of academic advising, fosters recognition of academic advising as a profession.

The Mentor: The Pennsylvania State University/E-Journal for Advisers:

This link takes you to a page of the Penn State University website containing a free electronic publication about academic advising in higher education.  The goal of this journal (available only on the Web) is to provide a mechanism for the rapid dissemination of new ideas about advising and for ongoing discourse about advising issues.

National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition:

This link takes you to a page of the University of South Carolina website for the purpose of supporting and advancing efforts to improve student learning and transitions into and through higher education by providing opportunities for the exchange of practical, theory-based information and ideas through the convening of conferences, teleconferences, institutes, and workshops; publishing monographs, a peer-reviewed journal, an electronic newsletter, guides, and books; generating and supporting research and scholarship; hosting visiting scholars.

GOOGLE search: “Best Practices in Academic Advising”:

This link takes you to a search engine with the above theme already searched.

Faculty Advisor Award

Created by the Advisory Council for Comprehensive Academic Advising (ACCAA) and supported by the Provost to recognize the importance of advising and those faculty who are exceptional advisors.

View the award criteria and nomination form. 

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Student Success Center | Suite 202
750 Elmwood Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54901


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1478 Midway Rd
Menasha, WI 54952