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Contact Us

Dr. James Krueger, Associate Professor of Political Science
Office: Sage Hall 4621
Phone: (920) 424-0924
Dr. Charles Hill, Associate Vice Chancellor Curricular Affairs and Student Academic Achievement
Office: Dempsey Hall 335
Phone: (920) 424-3190

Observing Constitution Day

Each educational institution in the United States that receives federal funding must observe Constitution Day, Sept. 17 (or the week before or the week after when Sept. 17 falls on a weekend).

In AASCU’s American Democracy Project (ADP), many campuses have transformed that little-known federal mandate into an opportunity to reflect on our government, our liberties and our obligations as citizens in this democracy. It also creates a wonderful opportunity to launch the academic year with a set of inspiring activities.

More Information About the Constitution

Constitution Day 2020

Constitution Day at UW Oshkosh took place on September 16, 2020.

6pm-7:30pm, Virtual – “What is wrong with gerrymandering? Everything! And the solution is the Iowa solution” 


  • Former WI State Senators Dale Schultz and Tim Cullen   
  • LWVWi Executive Director, Debra Cronmiller   
  • UWO Political Science Professor, Dr. James Krueger  

Please view the video if you were unable to attend.

Constitution Day 2019

Constitution Day at UW Oshkosh took place on September 17, 2019.

11 am – 1 pm, Polk Library Mall – Writing block chalk conversations; Free cupcakes and pocket constitutions

6:30 – 8:00 pm, Sage 1214 – Panel discussion on the economic and technological threats to the First Amendment, with: Dan Roherty (Editor, Oshkosh Herald); Ted Mulvey (UWO Library); Dr. Miles Maguire and Dr. Sara Steffes Hansen (UWO Journalism Department).

Please view the video if you were not able to attend.

Constitution Day 2018

Constitution Day at UW Oshkosh took place on September 17, 2018.  Constitution Day started off at 11:30 a.m. in the Reeve Union Concourse with discussions and debates to better understand our U.S. Constitution.  Pocket U.S. Constitutions were available for pickup at our table until 1:00 p.m.

Constitution Day ended with a presentation by Professor Robert Yablon of the UW Madison Law School.  Professor Yablon spoke on “Voting and Equal Protection” and answered questions from 6:00-8:30 p.m., in Reeve Union, Room 307.

Please view the video if you were not able to attend.

Constitution Day 2017

Constitution Day 2017 at UW Oshkosh started off on Monday, September 18 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., in the Reeve Union Concourse with information on the U.S. Constitution.  Free pocket Constitutions were available to take and students, faculty, and staff were able to respond to the question on the chalkboard, “What Does the Constitution Mean to You?”

Constitution Day ended with discussions on the Free Speech Act with Representatives Michael Schraa and Gordon Hintz from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Reeve Union 227AB1-Ballroom.

Please view the video if you were not able to attend.

Here are some pictures taken during the discussions.

Constitution Day 2017

Constitution Day 2017

Constitution Day 2016

Constitution Day 2016 at UW Oshkosh started off on Thursday, September 15 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Reeve Union 227AB1-Ballroom, with a presentation titled “Wrongful Conviction of the Innocent and the Bill of Rights,” by Keith A. Findley, Assistant Professor of University of Wisconsin Law School and Co-Director of the Wisconsin Innocence Projects.

Please view the video if you were not able to attend.

Here are some pictures taken during the presentation.

On Friday, September 16 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., in the Reeve Union Concourse information on the U.S. Constitution was on display and materials were available to take including free pocket Constitutions.