It’s that magical time of year when the air gets colder, the snow flies, we persevere to the end of the semester, and celebrate our favorite holidays with family and friends. To fight off any encroaching winter blues, we recommend sprucing up your residence hall room with some festive vibes. Here are five simple and inexpensive decorations we added in our demo residence hall room for tour groups who come through!
1. Door Decor
Your door is basically a blank canvas that you walk through. Creative opportunities abound. There are definitely tiers to door decor, but the example below is one of our favorites.
2. String Lights Everywhere
We think this is the best and simplest way to make your res hall room more homey and festive. String lights are so perfect for res hall rooms that many students leave them up year-round. If you don’t already have these fantastic lights up, now’s the time.
3. Let It Snow
Generally, res hall directors prefer that it doesn’t actually snow indoors, so we suggest going with the age-old art of paper snowflakes instead. We opted to hang ours from the ceiling, but they look good taped to walls, loft posts, your desk, or even windows. Check out this handy cutting guide if you need a quick tutorial.
4. Frosty the Mini-Fridge
Again, having a real-life snowman in your room might upset your CA. But you can still have a jolly, happy snowman soul in your room. All you need is some construction paper and scissors. If you don’t have those on hand, talk to your CA or swing through the SLIC area in Reeve Union.
5. Hot Chocolate Bar
A mug of hot chocolate is perfect for both study sessions and Netflix marathons. We set up a little station in our room with mix, ‘mallows, and a few other fixings. And since every residence room at UWO has a microwave, you can heat up water right in your room!