Advisory Council for Comprehensive Academic Advising
The Advisory Council for Comprehensive Academic Advising (ACCAA) was formed in Spring 2003 and consisted of students, faculty and staff.
The Council’s first goal was to educate itself with the Consultant’s report and other advising study reports in order to structure recommendations appropriate for the advising system at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
The ACCAA is a shared-governance body consisting of faculty, staff and students from all UW Oshkosh colleges.
It was convened by the Provost in May 2003 with the following charge: “The Council’s primary purpose is to provide guidance and support to the Director of Academic Advising and to provide the University community information and guidance around issues of academic advising”.
Since the Director of Advising is ex-officio on this Council and attends all the meetings, in practice this Council often reports to the Provost for the purpose of making recommendations for the optimization of academic advising practices at UW Oshkosh.
Contact Us
Undergraduate Advising Resource Center (UARC)
Student Success Center, Suite 202
(920) 424-1268