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Faculty Development

The UW Oshkosh Faculty Development Program includes a variety of programs to support a broad range of research, teaching and other professional development activities.

Faculty Development Deadlines

September 6, 2024: Sabbatical proposals due to the Dean’s Office

September 11, 2024: Sabbatical proposals due to facultydevelopment@uwosh.edu

Development Components

The program consists of ten components listed below. All components require a proposal from a faculty or academic staff member and all proposals (with the exception of Small Grants) are recommended or not recommended for funding to the Provost and Vice Chancellor by the Faculty Development Board.

Teaching Component: Supports continuing faculty and academic staff to engage in substantial teaching improvement efforts that cannot effectively be completed during an academic year contract. Teaching proposals may focus on methods or delivery of instruction, or knowledge acquisition related to one’s teaching responsibilities. The Teaching Subcommittee administers this component, but proposals are evaluated by the Teaching Panel (a peer group selected by the Teaching Subcommittee through a self-nomination process). Panel members read proposals and evaluate them against criteria defined by the Teaching Subcommittee. The Board uses panelist evaluations to make award recommendations.

Research Component: Provides support for new and continuing research projects of continuing faculty and academic staff in all disciplines. In the evaluation process, the unique capabilities and interests of individual faculty and academic staff are considered. While this component is administered through the Research Subcommittee, proposals are evaluated by the Research Panel (a peer group selected by the Research Subcommittee through a self-nomination process). Panel members read proposals and evaluate them against criteria defined by the Research Subcommittee. The Board uses panelist evaluations to make award recommendations.

Faculty College Component: Offers special seminars or workshops for UW Oshkosh faculty and academic staff in areas of professional and scholarly concern. These on-campus seminars or workshops may focus on educational issues, specific disciplines or professions, or topics of general interest to society. Proposals are evaluated by the Faculty College Subcommittee of the Faculty Development Board.

Off-Campus Component: Provides faculty members in all academic areas with auxiliary support to cover registration fees, travel, and housing expenses associated with focused, interactive professional learning experiences. The Faculty Development Board’s Off-Campus Subcommittee evaluates proposals.

Small Grant Component: Provides faculty and academic staff members with small amounts of auxiliary support with a three working day approval process.

Faculty Sabbatical Component: Enables recipients to become more effective teachers and scholars and to enhance their services to the University through intensive study. This privilege is granted to faculty members on the merit of their academic contributions. Faculty must have completed six or more years of full-time UW System instructional service and not have taken a sabbatical during the previous six years of full-time service. Sabbaticals may be for one or two semesters.

Individually Planned Program Component: Provides support for self-designed study programs which are part of the proposer’s ongoing developmental activities. Support is provided for up to 15% CAS, or the equivalent in release time. The activities are based on the proposer’s individual development needs, not based on the needs of the proposer’s academic unit. The Faculty Development Board’s IPP Subcommittee evaluates proposals.

Institutional Needs Component: Provides support for faculty and academic staff to perform professional activities related to specifically identified University needs. Possible need and proposed solution may be suggested by any person or group in the University for evaluation by the Faculty Development Board.

Release Time for Grant Writing Component: Provides faculty and academic staff with a maximum of one course release (7.5% CAS) per academic year for the preparation of one or more substantive extramural grant proposals.

Extramural Matching Grant Component: Provides limited supplemental funding for extramural grants in cases in which matching funds are required by the extramural agency or are clearly necessary to accomplish the project’s scope of work. Faculty Development Program Extramural Matching Grants are not intended to become permanent supplements to external dollars. Nor are they to be used to expand a project’s scope of work beyond what is described in the external request.