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Six student-managed endowment fund (SMEF) members visited Madison Investment Advisors, Inc. on Oct. 6, 2010. Mike Yaktus (BBA ’83), managing director, Brian Cleven, managing director, and Drew Justman, analyst/portfolio manager, spoke to the students about MIA and shared their thoughts on the financial industry.

“The ability to compare our current investment process to MIA allows us to continuously improve our program and further expand the learning experience,” said Justin Rose, SMEF student who currently manages the Hillenbrand fund.

Other College of Business students who attended were Garrett Van Wyk, Michael Johnson, Bryan Nudelbacker, Aaron Spaulding and Jon Bakovka.

The group also discussed obtaining a job in the investment field during the current economic environment.

Interaction with Cleven and Justman demonstrated the importance of marketing and client relationships in the financial industry. They discussed the company’s selection process, long-term strategies and techniques.

“The students and I were very impressed with our visit and found the overall description of MIA operations to be helpful in understanding the business,” said Stephen Huffman, Professor of Finance.

For more information about the MIA meeting or for access to students involved, please contact Stephen Huffman, Professor of Finance, at (920) 424-7202 or

Patti Werner, college of business, submitted this announcement. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to contribute calendar items, campus announcements and other good news to UW Oshkosh Today.