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Still quite new to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, the University Studies Program (USP) is a modernization of UWO’s  general education curriculum that provides a more personal and meaningful learning experience to freshman and sophomore students.

One of the goals–beyond providing students with general education–of the USP is to expand and strengthen the relationship that students have with the greater Oshkosh community. Two UW Oshkosh students are at the forefront of making sure that happens; Andrea Larson and Serena Larie, both interns through the Student Titan Employment Program (STEP), serve as Civic Engagement Project Assistants in the USP office.

“Our main goal is to get students involved by sharing their personal stories through their posts and pictures on different social media platforms,” said Larson, who with Larie can frequently be found at civic engagement sites throughout the city snapping photos and collecting snip-its of moments experienced by other students.

The USP is divided into three “Quests.” In each of the Quests, students choose from three “Signature Questions” that will guide them through each semester and ultimately lead them to several “Essential Learning Outcomes” that employers desire of college graduates.

In the final quest–Quest III, students answer their last Signature Question through community-based learning, which is what Larson and Larie are trying to help capture.

In Quest III, students are deployed to several organizations throughout the community to gain high-impact, one-of-a-kind learning experiences that introduce them to community partners such as the Oshkosh YMCA, Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services and other nonprofit organizations and services. Through this, the hope is that students develop reciprocal relationships with organizations, services and projects that  provide them with experiences and lessons, which can be integrated directly into classes at UWO.

Since the program is fairly new to campus, student involvement and leadership is a key to its success. Through their role as interns, Larson and Larie coordinate the social media aspects of the USP. They utilize their enthusiasm for the program and experience with online platforms to interact with Quest students.

Larson is a fifth year senior at UW Oshkosh and although she did not experience the USP herself, she said  she’s glad she is involved. Larie, a freshman, is currently enrolled in her first semester of USP courses in addition to her involvement through her internship.

“This is a very unique program that not a lot of other schools have,” Larson said. “Being there and watching it makes me wish I had that opportunity because it’s a lot more hands-on and a lot more interactive with your peers.”

To bring focus and awareness–and perpetuate an online conversation about the nationally recognized program–Larson and Larie have launched the #QuestIII to facilitate student feedback and hopefully, eventually, community interaction.

Check out some of the initial posts on social networks about Quest III.

“We’re trying to encourage students to use these hashtags with posts to help share their story,” Larie said.

Larson and Larie were hired by Michael Lueder, civic engagement coordinator of the USP, and help him share the enthusiasm of students participating in t heir Quest III opportunities.

“Both Andrea and Serena posses different skills that make them ideal for this job.” Lueder said.

“Andrea has a great understanding of how to create a marketing campaign, the steps that go into it, and how to successfully complete the project. Serena has a warm and friendly personality and a true ability to talk with anyone. She makes the people she approaches feel comfortable and gets great stories from them. Together, they make a dynamic team and are assets to the USP team,” Lueder said.

Both Larson and Larie will be working with Lueder to coordinate the Quest III showcase at the end of the semester. The showcase features a variety of presentations, art exhibits and projects from the students, instructors and community partners involved and will be held in Reeve Memorial Union on Dec. 5 from 4 until 8 p.m. All members of the UWO community are encouraged to attend the event to support the hard work of those who have promoted the success of the USP.

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