Abortion. Ancient and Modern


Written & directed by Joe Jenkins, this documentary explores the ethical, legal and religious dimensions of the abortion debate. The video discusses the legal and ethical attitudes to abortion through the ages, highlighting key ideas such as Animation, Ensoulment, Quickening and The Born Alive rule. It explains that in ancient times, the dangers of abortion for women were compared with the dangers of war for men and little changed for thousands of years. The video discusses how advances in medical technology have given us a window on the world of the womb as never before, but they have also raised critical questions about personhood, viability, selective abortion and embryology. It also focuses on the abortion debate that is nowhere more hotly disputed than within the Christian religion and explores attitudes to abortion from the Early Church to the modern day, highlighting key concepts such as the Sanctity of Life, Delayed Ensoulment and The Principle of Double Effect.


51 min 30 sec



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