Emiliano Zapata, For the Love of Land


This program from Independent Production Fund features Emiliano Zapata, almost mythical hero of the 1910- 1920 Mexican Revolution. He commanded the Liberation Army of the South, with a peasant army and guerrilla actions. As an avid agrarian he made an alliance with Francisco Madero and aided in the removal of Porfirio Díaz. When Madero favored plantation owners over the peasants, Zapata prepared the Plan de Ayala, renewing the Revolution. Zapata joined forces with other revolutionary generals to defeat Victoriano Huerta who had assassinated Madero and took his place. During the northern struggles of Carranza and Villa, relative peace allowed Zapata to redistribute land, make economic and educational reforms, and rebuild Morelos after the devastation from federal armies. He was assassinated in 1919, but his cry of Tierra Y Libertad! is remembered. Archival footage and photographs, as well as the popular corridas that tell the story of the Revolution's heroes and events transports the viewer back in history.


41 min 40 sec







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