Components of Skin


An average person has about six pounds of skin, which covers 18 square feet. The top skin layer is the epidermis, which protects underlying skin layers from the outside environment. Some skin cells make keratin, a substance that waterproofs and strengthens skin. Some skin cells contain melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. Other cells in the epidermis allow you to feel and touch, and still others give immunity against foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. The bottom skin layer is the hypodermis, which contains adipose tissue (fat cells) to insulate your body and help it conserve heat. Between the epidermis and the hypodermis is the dermis, often called the true skin. The dermis contains cells that give skin strength, support, and flexibility. As you age, cells in your dermis lose strength and flexibility and your skin loses its youthful appearance.


2 min



Date of Publication

[2013], c2010


Films on Demand

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