Modern Marvels. Glue


It's Super! It's Krazy! And it can be found in everything from carpets to computers, books to boats, shoes to the Space Shuttle. It's even used in surgery. Without it, the material world would quite literally fall apart. In this episode of Modern Marvels, we'll visit the strange and sticky world of glue. Glue's trajectory spans human history, and we'll cover it all--from Neolithic cave dwellers who used animal glue to decorate ceremonial skulls, to modern adhesives, including Elmer's glue, 3M's masking and Scotch tape, and the super glues. Remember the Krazy Glue® commercial in which a man held himself suspended from a hard hat that had just been glued to a beam? Well, that understates the power of glue. With the help of a crane, we're going to hoist a 6,000-pound pickup truck off the ground by a steel joint that's been bonded with glue!


45 min




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