Julio Caro Baroja. A Fondo—In Their Own Words


In this program, Julio Caro Baroja (1914-1995) is 62-years-old and puts into practice one of his best attributes: "To me every time I am more shocked by the lack of hobby, which is in Spain, by psychological appreciations." The gallery of characters he knows and cites is impressive: Galdós, Valle Inclán, Unamuno, Ortega, Azaña, Benavente, Maeztu and, first, the protagonists of his book of family memories,Los Baroja (1962), written at the death of his mother and her uncles: "I had a feeling of isolation and, the virtuality of those memories, is a kind of anchor cast into the past." In 1976 he has published more than thirty books and hundreds of articles on ethnography, prehistory, linguistics, art and popular literature. A conversation sprinkled with humor: "I had an experience that I really do not have much good to tell: four stormy years. Then I was a little suspicious."


1 hr 26 min 59 sec





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