Great White Lies


Focusing on the Western Australian government’s decision in January of 2014 to hunt and kill the white shark, a protected species in Australia, filmmaker Skyler Thomas visits Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand to learn more about the shark culling practices in each of those locations. Interviewing scientists, politicians, surfers, and activists, Great White Lies thoroughly examines the history of shark culling and ultimately asks the question, “Is this really about human safety or is something else taking place here?” When science, statistics, and history all tell us that shark-culling is a flawed and ineffective strategy in managing human and shark interactions, we are then forced to ask the next logical question: if it doesn’t work, why is it still happening? The apparent answer to that question will leave viewers not only rethinking humankind's relationship with sharks, but with the planet in general.


50 min 23 sec



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