VR Archaeology / CubeSats—Catalyst


The Plain of Jars is one of South East Asia’s biggest archaeological enigmas. Who carved these giant megalithic stone jars, and what they were used for, has remained a mystery for centuries. Now a crack team of archaeological sleuths is using drone technology and virtual tools to reveal their secrets. Space has always been the playground of very big players with very deep pockets—but not anymore. It’s now being invaded by a new breed of cheap, innovative satellites, smaller than a loaf of bread. Cube Satellites, or CubeSats as they’re known, are revolutionizing our access to space and the way we use it—for both science and business. Leading Australian space experts believe it’s a golden opportunity to develop a homegrown space industry that can launch Australia back into orbit. Australian made CubeSats will be deployed from the International Space Station to investigate the thermosphere—a layer of Earth’s atmosphere that we know very little about, but one that is vital to the GPS and other satellites our modern technology relies on.


27 min 27 sec




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