Death by design


Where parallel worlds meet ... There exists a world where death creates life, where suicides without sadness occur billions of times every hour, where every individual does only what is required by its society. It is a world of highly sophisticated communication and stunning choreography, of vast depth and endless mystery. It is utterly alien, but it is also, in every moment, creating us all. Death by Design is a guided tour into the invisible world of cells, told through a collage of metaphors. State-of-the-art microcinematography is playfully intercut with parallel images from life at the human scale: a hundred lighted violins, imploding buildings, pieces of film on the cutting room floor ... Starring Rita Levi-Montalcini (Nobel Prize winner), Robert Horvitz (Nobel Prize winner), Martin Raff, Polly Matzinger, Pierre Golstein, Klaus-Michael Debatin and a cast of billions.


71 minutes




Alexander Street

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