Diagnosing mental disorders. DSM-5 and the ICD-10. Sexual dysfunctions


Sex is a crucial aspect of life across most animal species-�a way for individual members to pass on their genes, bring new life into the world and aid in the continuation of the species. For human beings especially, sex can mean much more beyond this. It is a source of pleasure. It can be a way of connecting with another person. For some, it may even be linked to their sense of spirituality. Regardless of exactly what importance it holds for specific individuals, for many, it can be intrinsically tied to their sense of intimacy, identity or even happiness.Because of this, sexual dysfunctions can be a source of embarrassment and reticence for a patient, and can sometimes go unnoticed by a clinician that doesn't specialize in the conditions. This makes it especially vital that the clinician be familiar with the distinguishing features of these conditions, to evaluate their symptoms and offer the patient an appropriate diagnosis.


22 minutes






Alexander Street

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