The art and practice of Hakomi. Exploring the depth dimension way


The Art and Practice of Hakomi introduces a way to experience and understand the deep work of Hakomi as the application of a specific set of processes and skills that the Hakomi therapist uses when leadership is called for in the application of an otherwise client-led method. It begins with a lively twelve-minute exposition of a tool called the Depth Dimension Chart and explains how it can be used to track the progress of a session. After an introduction to the Depth Dimension chart, it is used to provide a very different commentary on the Annotation Number 2 session, this time from the perspective of an expert observer who notes the application of each process and skill so that viewers can see how each skill furthers the client's work. This set of skills is based on the skill sets Ron Kurtz taught and includes tracking, contact statements, experimentation, regulation through the judicious use of comfort, touch and silence, as well as skills in evoking unconscious memories that underlie limiting patterns of behavior and unnecessary suffering. The Depth Dimension process is an invaluable tool for understanding, learning and teaching Hakomi and can be easily modified to enhance any methods of psychotherapy or personal growth that is skill-based and therefore capable of being transmitted from teacher to student.


58 minutes




Alexander Street

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