Getting results from cooperative learning


Drawing from more than 35 years of research studies, ASCD's Classroom Instruction That Works has identified cooperative learning as one of the nine instructional strategies most apt to increase student achievement. Now here's an ideal resource to introduce your school to cooperative learning and correct any misconceptions using it in an accountable, standards-driven school. Use the programs and accompanying workshop outlines to convey to staff members how cooperative learning helps schools fulfill content requirements and address achievement gaps in student learning. Interviews with teachers and administrators explain the benefits of cooperative learning. And classroom scenes show that cooperative learning emphasizes high levels of academic achievement and reinforces the ability of students to retain academic content. Use Program 1, A Foundation, to show some of the essential elements of cooperative learning that teachers must incorporate in their lessons to gain the full benefits of this approach. Program 2, Implementing Conditions, helps explain how teachers design cooperative learning activities that satisfy content standards and learning goals. Then use Program 3, Assessing Conditions, to explore how teachers manage and monitor student learning during a cooperative learning activity. Two workshop formats with activities and discussion topics ensure your presentation deepens your audience's understanding of optimal cooperative learning.


89 minutes




Alexander Street

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