History of World Criminal Justice


ANCIENT WESTERN LAWS & JUSTICE: Egypt - Customs, Taboos and Superstition; Sumeria - Cuneiform and Written Laws; Codex Hammurabi - Retributive Justice, Lex talionis; Mosaic Law - Torah, Ten Commandments; Sparta - Social Class, Helots; Athenian Law - Draconian Punishment; Roman Law -Caesar Augustus and First Police; Constantine and Edict of Milan. EUROPEAN MIDDLE AGES TO MODERNITY: Anglo-Saxon England; Norman England and the Magna Carta; Inquisition - Indulgences, Torture; England Debtor's Prisons and Penal Colonies; Salem Witch Trials, U.S. Bill of Rights; The French Revolution. EASTERN SOCIAL CONTROL & JUSTICE: China -Confucianism, Legalism, Chang Kai-Shek, Mao Zedong; Japan - Damiyo, Meiji, Post WWII; India - Arthashatra, British Influence; Sharia - The Law of Islam. MODERN WESTERN LAWS & JUSTICE: The Science of Criminology; Police - Bobbies, Napoleon's Secret Police; The Rise of Modern Prisons; Four Functions of Incarceration; Capital Punishment; International Criminal Law and Justice.


33 minutes




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