Masterworks. Socialist Realism of the GDR. Removal of the Six-Armed Goddess, 1956


'1000 Masterpieces from the Great Museums of the World' is one of the most successful TV series about art. The original, with improved image quality, takes us on a fascinating journey through the history of art. Comprehensively illustrated and compellingly presented: the well-known authors of five short art surveys provide a deeper insight into the masterpieces of painting. Naturalism, party loyalty, and being close to the people: over the course of 40 years, 'Socialist Realism' was decreed by GDR authorities with all manner of propagandistic slogans. Among the central figures of the art scene were Sitte, Mattheuer, Tubke, Heisig, and Metzkes. They drew their personal artistic positions and diverse means of expression from the tension between conformity and rebellion. Willi Sitte: MY PARENTS FROM THE AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATIVE (I), 1962 Wolfgang Mattheuer: HORIZON (1970) Harald Metzkes: THE REMOVAL OF THE SIX-ARMED GODDESS (1956) Bernhard Heisig: CHRIST REFUSES TO OBEY (1986) Werner Tubke: RECOLLECTIONS FROM THE LIFE OF JUDGE SCHULZE III (1965).


50 minutes







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