A tale of two film clubs


What makes film clubs different from other after-school activities? In the words of ex-head of English and FILMCLUB representative Sabrina Broadbent, You don't have to be good at film to get it . The film club at Edlington Victoria Primary was inspired by a suggestion by school council member George, who felt Edlington - an ex-mining village on the outskirts of Doncaster - needed a local cinema again. For Janice Middleton, headteacher at Edlington Victoria Primary, it's a chance to realise George's idea and to stimulate her pupils imaginations. At Hornsey School for Girls, the film club is run by 6th former Cynthia. She's responsible for everything from promoting the club through assemblies and posters around the school to choosing themes and guiding discussions - not forgetting making the free popcorn! Her enthusiasm and commitment is key to the success of the club and a great opportunity for a 6th former, according to head of media studies Chris Mitchell.


19 min





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