The business of education


Well-known BBC business presenter Adam Shaw investigates whether schools become successful by running themselves like commercial companies. Adam visits two secondaries and one primary which have climbed up the value added league tables: Capital City Academy in Willesden, Preston Manor High in Wembley and Tidemill Primary in Deptford. He discovers that they have adopted the opposite of what he would consider best business practice by introducing complicated structures and apparently wasting resources. They each have complex timetables and give teachers extra time out of the classroom. But it quickly becomes clear that what unites these three examples are two of the most basic business principals of all: putting the customers first and making the most of your human resources. The customers are the pupils who are offered personalised learning and the human resource of the staff are given more time to prepare the lessons. The result is higher profits in the form of improved exam results.


27 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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