St. Edmund Campion Primary. Green throughout the year


How one Primary school is embedding environmental issues into the curriculum across the whole year, including eco-themes for each year group and green summit meetings for pupils.St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary, Maidenhead is a centre of excellence for promoting sustainability and helping the environment. The school embedded the environment into the curriculum by introducing annual eco-doorways themes, such as waste, water and energy. The learning culminates in green summits when pupils share knowledge and views. The green policies are supported by a pupil eco-group and a governor with specific responsibility for sustainability. The school demonstrates its concern for the environment nursery and reception classes which are heated by warmth from the ground and insulated by recycled material. It's all part of the school's determination to teach children they can make a difference for the sake of the planet.A finalist in the How Green is Your School Teachers TV competition.


8 min




Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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