Secondary maths. Thinking skills


At The Greycoat Hospital School in London, AST Seema Solani is plans a 5-part complex lesson to challenge her top set Year 9's thinking skills. She first tries to challenge them to find different forms of maths involved in the simple triangle. She then discovers that one of her pupils is confused by what exactly a segment is; so she decides to depart from her plan and sort out an area of confusion before returning to the teaching of higher mathematical thinking skills to her top set, who have already sat GCSE maths at the end of their Year 9. At Warden Park School in Sussex AST Chrissie Hamilton has planned a quadratics race, involving the solving of six quadratic equations before plotting the values on a graph. All maths planning is done electronically and her colleagues are expected to deliver lessons devised and planned by a colleague. To help them, the plans have teachers prompts and even the answers which are not opening displayed on the plan but are only a click away.


5 min





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Alexander Street

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