Boy, you can dance


Ricardo Green, a newly qualified PE teacher at Cumberland Specialist Sports College, uses the theme of free-running to introduce his Year 9 boys to the world of dance. Grant and Kojo are especially reluctant and would much rather be playing football but after they and their class watch a video of two teenagers performing energetic and exciting free-running movements they decide to have a go. Christine Raines, AST in PE, explains the importance of dance in the curriculum and why it should be available to everyone. With his class Ricardo builds up a teacher-led sequence of high knees, jumps, half press-ups and turns and then asks them to work in pairs to create their own routine using some of the moves. The boys put in a good effort, show some promising flair, and even Grant and Kojo enjoy it more than they thought. Ricardo is pleased and feels his gamble has paid off.


15 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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