Bite-size DVD


At St Austin's Primary School in Liverpool AST Michael Keenan has been making DVDs with the pupils for some time. He realised that all this material was gathering dust so why not get the children to re-cut it into their own revision guides? Bite Size DVDs. The whole process has been captured on video by Michael including asking the pupils how they are using the new resources and what they like about them. It's surprising how enthusiastic they are about revision now - even sharing with brothers and sisters at home. The screening of his video is followed by a discussion led by Consultant Adrienne Jones with Michael, Headteacher Noel O Neill and Teacher Emma Vallely. Can interactive resources really improve motivation and learning even when it is as revision style DVDs? Is pupil ownership the key and how does Michael work with the pupils to achieve success? We drop in on a filming session to see how its done.


14 min




Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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