How good was that?


This programme focuses on ways to ease the load of report writing, assessment and examination duties.We visit Stiperstones CE Primary in Shropshire, run by headteacher Mark Klektot, who is an advocate of using advances in IT to ease teachers work loads. Using tablet computers, the school has made a major change in the amount of time spent on pupils annual reports. Instead of producing written reports done solely by the teacher, the school invites the parents and their child into the school for a half-hour consultation. During this time, teacher, parents and child write the report together. INCERTS is a web-based system used to record pupil progress. Tasks like lesson planning and report writing can be done in minutes rather than hours. We hear from the headteacher who designed it. In Derby, Doreen Steggles, a member of the admin team at West Park Community Secondary School, has taken over the role of examination officer. Doreen now has major responsibility in all examinations.


14 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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