Integrating ICT


Julie Allcock is the ICT coordinator at St Thomas's School in Wigan. ICT can be a sensitive area for teachers and many are wary of using it. Part of Julie's middle management role is to persuade teachers to integrate ICT into all subject areas, from literacy and numeracy, to history and art. Julie attends ICT courses to disseminate ideas and best practice to colleagues. During the weekly staff meeting, she shares the latest ICT news with the staff. Julie is also part of Hands On Support , a scheme launched by the government in 2004 to embed ICT in the primary curriculum. She works as a Hands on Trainer , which means that as well as training her own colleagues, she visits and works with staff at other schools. She attends termly ICT coordinator meetings at Wigan LEA, getting up to date with ICT innovations. Currently, the LEA is promoting the use of video conferencing, something that Julie would like to see more of at St Thomas's.


15 min





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