At the time the hall was built, the Wisconsin State College-Oshkosh, known colloquially as Oshkosh State College (OSC), was in the midst of a building boom prompted by a huge surge in students after WWII, as well as a maturation of the school's curriculum beyond just teacher training. OSC, likes its sister schools statewide, was broadening its influence on the state and the local community. Student life and traditions were experiencing a post-war zenith. And, admittedly very slowly, the campus was becoming more diverse. It was truly an exciting time for OSC students, and their pride in their school is reflected in what they chose to include in their time capsule. These materials were destined for just such a moment as this, for just such an audience as us. Take this time to pause and see what these students left for us to discover.

(be sure to "flip" each document over for info)

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