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From the Editor
Janet Hagen
This issue of Human Services Today is very special because it is the first time we have had all article submissions generated from outside the United States.  Since we are the premier, international, electronic journal in Human Services this is a real milestone.

The first article by Professor Christopher J. Bakwesegha who is the Vice Chancellor at Busoga University, Politics, Democracy and Governance in Africa:  A Bird’s Eye View, is an invited piece.  Dr. Bakwesegha writes about issues such as poverty and violence on the African continent, but also the rich resources available.  His premise, that Africa’s problems stem form its leadership, is compelling.  His honesty and knowledge of Africa historically and contemporaneously provide us with a riveting text.  His concept, early in the paper, of “forging unity in diversity” is a call to us all in this age of globalization.

Human Services Today was fortunate to receive a manuscript from Sister Prisca Kobusingye who is a Senior Lecturer at Uganda Martyrs University.  Sr. Kobusingye’s article Sustainable Economic Development:  Uganda’s Perspective is an analysis the results of state decentralization and privatization.  Sr. Kobusingye addresses the needs of the workers who are caught in what is termed structural adjustment, also termed retrenchment.  In Uganda, local authorities are seeking partnerships with local entrepreneurs but how the structural adjustment pushes the social responsibility for the joblessness and poverty to local and volunteer agencies.  Human Service educators, practitioners and students can learn much from this article about globalization, poverty and the potential of privatization to help or further victimize workers.

Our third article is from Dr. Alfred Kisubi, our international editor. In his article Socio-Economics Status (SES) Trends, Schooling/Human Services in the Information Age: Surfing the New Cultures he discusses two trends emerging in the U.S. (social-economic stratification and changing youth and family profiles). He then posits four possible delivery outcomes and implications for both education and human services. This is a most thought provoking article.

In the Field reviews an interesting approach to economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities in the Mayuge district in Uganda:  a piggery project.  The Twekekembe Disabled Development Association put together this program to raise and sell pork and piglets.

Supporting the theme of this edition, economic self-sufficiency, Web Resource Spotlight examines a variety of web sites devoted to program development. Specifically addressed are needs assessment and log frame assessment.  These tools will programs focus on community needs, organizational development, resource issues and a realistic timeline.

As always, I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions as well as reviewing your manuscript or accepting your offer to serve on our editorial board.