The Chief Information Officer title is relatively new.  It replaces such titles as Director of Information Technology, and Director of data processing (really old).  A quick way to look inside this job title is to review a brief research study done by CIO Magazine.  You can find it at this URL:


Look down the screen for their Research Reports.  You will see this listing:



Click on “All Research Reports”


There you will find “State of the CIO 2006”


That is the research report to read.  It should just take you a few minutes, but it will give you a solid overview of how this job is viewed.



Questions to Think About this Week


  1. Given what you find in this survey, what would you look for in someone’s background to help determine if they were qualified for the position?
  2. Given what you are hearing in your interviews, would you say your company shares the most common views on the role of a CIO?
  3. What is the most demanding part of the job?