BUS 311 – Management Information Systems


Project 1



In this project you will build an ACCESS database that you will be using through several additional assignments.  The data source for your database will be a recent publication from the United Nations Development Programme.  This publication, The 2001 Human Development Index, contains data about the technological attainments of every nation in the world.


  1. Familiarize yourself with the table on the reverse side of this page.  It contains technical information about the fifty most technologically advanced countries in the world.
  2. Create a database in ACCESS with one field for each of the columns in the table. 
  3. Make country name a key field.
  4. Create an entry screen (form) and enter the data for the 50 countries.
  5. Pick a field of interest to you (years of schooling, teledensity, etc) and sort the database.
  6. Print the database.  Use landscape orientation and shrink columns and margins in an effort to print the table on a single sheet of paper.



Turn in:            Printed copy of TAI table


Project 2



In this project you will generate a report based on the Technology Achievement Index database you created in project 1. 


  1. Determine a research question for yourself.  Examples would be:

·        Which countries have 20% or more of their college students studying science and technology?

·        Which countries generate over 100 patents per million population?

·        Which countries have achieved 90% teledensity?


  1. Perform a query on your database to answer your question.


  1. Sort the selected countries in some order (alphabetical, by TAI index, by teledensity…)


  1. Create a report showing at least four fields from the selected records.  The report should have a heading showing your name, the research question you asked, and a cogent analysis of the data.


  1. Create 4 such reports highlighting differences between countries.



Turn in:            4 research reports with proper headings


Project 3



In this project you will modify your Technology Achievement Index database by adding two additional fields.  These fields come from the Human Development Index information on the reverse side of this page. 



  1. Add two fields:  Life Expectancy and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita.


  1. Each field will have validation rules to help catch input errors.  Use these rules:


    1. Life Expectancy will be >30 and <85 (Because of AIDS and war there are several countries in the world where life expectancy is less than 40, but all are above 30)


    1. GDP will be >0 and <50,000 (the world’s poorest country, Sierra Leone, has a per capita GDP of $448, but no country is 0)


  1. Use SHIFT – PRINT SCRN to make a copy of the two new fields (use Design View so the default and validation sections are showing).  Move each of the Print Screens to a word document, shrink them so they fit on one page of paper and type your name on the page.


  1. Generate a report from the new database including the two new fields and any three other fields you wish.  Sort the records according to GDP.  Create a good heading for your report and be sure to include your name.


  1. Generate 3 additional reports highlighting different observations you can make about the countries.


Turn in:  




Project 4



In this project you will create a new data entry form and generate data summaries.



  1. You will recall the UNDP characterized all nations as “leader, potential leader, dynamic adopter and marginalized.”  Create a new data entry form with a new field – “TAI Characteristic”  Since there are just four values for this field, rather than ask a user to type those phrases over and over, you will set up a “Combo box” with those four options. 


  1. Improve the appearance of your form by adding a title (include your name) and other useful information.  Move the entry fields to attractive places on the screen (at the least create balanced columns left and right).


  1. Use the new form to update your database.


  1. Use PrintScreen to move an image of the form to word and print it out.


  1. Print out 3 summary reports of your revised database.  Group the countries by TAI Characteristic.  Print out a summary line with averages for 1 or 2 fields.  As always, create an attractive 3 box heading for the reports that includes your name.


Turn in:            PrintScreen of new data entry form

                        3 Summary reports with an appropriate heading



Project 5



In this project you will create a new user interface for your database called a “Switchboard.”  To do this you will first create several macros and then design the switchboard interface. 


  1. Select four of your previously created reports. 


  1. Create a macro that opens each report.


  1. Create a switchboard.  The “buttons” available on the switchboard will correspond to the new reports.  Give each button a meaningful label such as “Display international teledensity information”.  Give the main page an attractive layout with meaningful labels and include your name. 


  1. Use PrintScreen to copy an image of your switchboard to Word and print it off to turn in.  Also turn in a copy of one of your macro. 


Turn in:            PrintScreen of Switchboard

                        PrintScreen of one macro


Project 6



In this project you will create an additional database table and link the tables as part of a decision support system (DSS).  The question you will be asking is “Which countries would be valuable markets for our products?” 



  1. Create a new database on International Corruption.  An index of international corruption is located at http://www.transparency.org/cpi/2001/cpi2001.html#cpi

Enter information on the 50 leading nations that are included in your TAI database.


  1. Assuming you want to reach international customers via e-commerce, determine what level of internet access you want, the level of income you feel requisite to purchase your product, and the level of corruption you can face before the risks of fraud become too great.


  1. Create an SQL query based on the criteria you set.  When your query is complete, copy it with PrintScreen and move it to Word so you can print it out and turn it in. 


  1. Create a report that pulls in the output from your SQL query (nations selected and data from each of the decision fields).  It should be attractively headed and have an explanation of the criteria you used and the recommendations you are making.  Include your name in the heading.  Print the report.


  1. Create a second report with a second SQL query and different criteria.



Turn in:        


Project 7



In this assignment you will have an opportunity to review trend information and use it to recommend an action.


  1. Using the attached education information, create a new table.  It should contain the fifty countries we have been using, and one additional field – mean years of schooling in 1990.


  1. Use an SQL statement to print out the names of all countries where the mean years of schooling has increased during those ten years.  Turn the resulting query into a simple report with an informative heading.


  1. Use an SQL statement to print out the names of all countries where the mean years of schooling has increased by more than .8 years. Turn the resulting query into a simple report with an informative heading.


  1. Those countries with rapidly expanding education levels may have need for books and supplies which you could sell them via the web.  Write a report that identifies target nations based on growth in education and other criteria (such as internet use and income) that you think would be good potential customers.




Turn in:




Final Project



In this assignment you will have an opportunity to create a table of your own.  It may be from any field that interests you, or may be connected to your work.  You will have great latitude in this project, but the result must meet these minimums:


1.      The table must have at least 30 records and 6 fields.

2.      There must be at least four reports.

3.      One of the reports must be generated through an SQL query.

4.      You must create a switchboard to access your reports.



Turn in:

A copy of your table

A Printscreen of your SQL query

A copy of each report

A Printscreen of your switchboard

(I will ask you to demonstrate your project to me during the final lab period).



            Creation of table – 1 pt

            Working SQL query – 2 pts

            Working Switchboard - 1 pt

            Attractive reports with good labeling – 2 pts