Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar (175)

 Response Paper #1, Due 11/16
Section 005

Your first Response Paper should discuss some aspect of mathematical truth and how it applies to the texts and ideas we have studied so far in the course.  Below I give some suggestions for Response Paper topics.  However, you are not limited to these topics;  you are encouraged to choose another topic that suits you, provided that your topic meets the above criteria.  In this case, please email me (szydliks@uwosh.edu) for approval of your topic.

For this Response Paper, an intermediate step is required.  I want to ensure that your paper is focused and organized.  Therefore, by Thursday, November 12 at 11:00 am, you need to email me the introductory paragraph for your essay.  Do exactly one of the following:  (a) highlight the thesis statement in your introduction in bold-face type or (b) write a note explaining why your introduction does not include a thesis statement.  You are, of course, allowed to change your thesis statement (or even your topic) after this time, but you need to attend very carefully to focus and organization.

Here are some possible topics:

  1. Choose any two characters (real or fiction) that you have studied this semester.  Describe an imaginary conversation between them in which they discuss the nature of truth.  As part of that conversation, address similarities and differences between their perspectives.  Make sure that at least one of the individuals is from the "mathematical truth" portion of the course, and remember that if you use a character from Dr. Henson's section, I will not necessarily be familiar with him/her, so you will need to be especially careful in your description. (Cite your work carefully to back up assertions.)
  2. Compare and contrast the nature of mathematical truth with other kinds of truth (e.g. scientific, literary, philosophic).  How might mathematical truth be similar to other kinds of truth, and how might it be different?  (If you choose this topic, you will need to utilize some outside references, perhaps from your experience in the other half of the course.)
  3. For centuries, the axiomatic method has proven to be a remarkably effective means of determining mathematical truth.  Are there instances outside of mathematics where an axiomatic method is used?  If so, identify some and explain how.  If not, why not?  Are there disciplines or areas that might benefit by using such a method?  Where?  How?
  4. Consider the following quote by Charles P. Steinmetz (1865 - 1923):  "Mathematics is the most exact science, and its conclusions are capable of absolute proof. But this is so only because mathematics does not attempt to draw absolute conclusions. All mathematical truths are relative, conditional."  What does Steinmetz mean by this quote?  Carefully analyze the quote within the context of our discussions.

Remember to read the Response Paper parameters and to follow them carefully.  Your essays are due at the start of class next Monday.

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