Hentz on Jelinski Posse: We were not in anyone's face

August 25, 2002

Note: Cheryl Hentz sent the following letter to the Oshkosh Northwestern. She sent a copy to Commentary.

I am responding to the recent letter from Gabrielle Munson about people wearing “Edmund Jelinski, District Attorney” T-shirts to the St. Raphael’s picnic. As a member of the “posse,” to which Ms. Munson referred, I offer the following clarifications.

No one passed out campaign literature unless specifically asked for it. We’d been out campaigning and simply stopped by for fish. We were not in anyone’s face. We were polite, respectful and after eating, we left. Since we were easily identifiable, if someone had a problem with our attending, they should have approached us to express their discomfort. For years political candidates have made this picnic a regular stop. Why was Ms. Munson never offended by them?

Interesting that the presence of people in Jelinski shirts offended her, but not the people wearing rather unsavory T-shirts. The First Amendment guarantees people the right to wear shirts saying anything they want on them and public events are open to everyone, not just those who pass Ms. Munson’s comfort level sniff test.

Ms. Munson apparently was also not offended by the vast amounts of beer being sold with minors present, raffle tickets being sold, loud music being played that surely disturbed church neighbors, or the large amount of money our “posse” spent at her picnic – money, coincidentally, that is tax-free to her parish.

Finally, as a Christian woman, I find it highly offensive that while Ms. Munson makes broad, sweeping statements demeaning Mr. Jelinski’s character and integrity simply because his shirts were worn at her picnic, she was not offended enough to write about the vulgar language used by our current DA and the manner in which he talks about women and his sexual exploits with them – real or imagined. Now THAT, I believe, speaks to a lack of character and integrity.

Cheryl Hentz


The Following letter appeared in the August 23, 2002 edition of the Oshkosh Northwestern:

Jelinski campaign had no place at parish picnic

On Friday, August 9, 2002 my husband and I attended the St. Raphael Church Picnic Fish Fry. We were there, as others were, to celebrate our church community and to enjoy our family and friends. About an hour into our celebration Edmund Jelinski and about 20 of his posse showed up wearing Jelinski T-shirts handing out campaign literature.

I am truly incensed at the the blatant lack of respect I feel Mr. Jelinski displayed to each and every member of our parish community. This is a church community not a political forum. Your "in your face" attitude is distasteful and disrespectful and truly shows your lack of character.

You claim you want to change the character of the District Attorney's office. Well Mr. Jelinski, take a good look at what you are offering. It certainly is not integrity and respect. No, I would say it is just the opposite. There is a time and a place for political campaigning, and a church picnic is neither of those.

Gabrielle Munson


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