Commentary Update for August 30, 2001: Frank Zeidler, My Citizen Statement Experience, Ethanol and the Market Forces God

Frank Zeidler, the "sewer socialist" who served as Mayor of Milwaukee frokm 1948-1960, is the guest on this week's Commentary. Doug Freshner did an outstanding job of recording the interview in Mr. Zeidler's living room. At age 87, Frank is as sharp as ever, offering pointed insights on everything from campaign finance to prisons to race relations and many other topics. Today Jim and I had a 6 minute discussion of the interview that Doug will place at the end of the show.

Many thanks to those of you who commented on my citizen statement at the last meeting of the Oshkosh Common Council. I have written a brief summary of the experience:

Also, I was inspired by the Market Forces God to write something about the proposed Town of Algoma ethanol plant:

Best wishes,
