Commentary Update for August 15, 2001: Mike McCabe, Silent Six, Bob Poeschl Interview, Frank Zeidler

Dear Commentarians:

Mike McCabe, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (a campaign finance reform advocacy group), will be the guest this week. The show will air Thursday at 7 p.m. The WDC web site is at

At last night's Oshkosh Common Council meeting, Councilor Paul Esslinger called my "Silent Six" essay "nonsense." Of course I wrote a response:

Also on the web site is an interview with Robert Poeschl, a UW Oshkosh student who has become an activist with the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA). You may recall that Paloma Galindo, OREPA's Executive Director, was interviewed for Commentary by Jim and I last spring. The interview with Bob is here:

Finally, I am pleased to announce that our videographer Doug Freshner has managed to secure interview time with Frank Zeidler, the former Socialist Mayor of Milwaukee who is now in his 90s. Jim and I will travel to Milwaukee on August 24 to interview Mr. Zeidler.

