Commentary Update for August 12, 2002: Mike McCabe, Oshkosh 100, Michael Moore, Jelinski/Priebe

Dear Friends of Commentary:

Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, makes his second appearance on Commentary this week. We talk about a variety of issues, including some of the most recent WDC reports:

The Commentary website has a new url: (all lower case). If you get some dead links it's because I'm moving to a new web editing program and have to go back in and make some adjustments. It will take a while.

There are some items on the site I can lead you to at this point. Local artist Jim Evans is one of the organizers of "Oshkosh 100," a major art exhibit taking place in the historic Wagner Opera House building in Oshkosh. Jim ended up writing "A Manifesto on Art in Oshkosh," which is here:
Note that Evans thinks Oshkosh city leaders need to change their beliefs about art. I think that's like asking the Taliban to change their beliefs about Buddhist statues.

I know many of you are fans of film maker Michael Moore. His mom passed away recently, as he reveals on his home page:
Be aware that if you try to send him email condolences your message will probably be returned because his mail is overloaded.

A few recent pictures of E.J. Jelinksi and Brad Priebe, candidates for Winnebago County District Attorney.
