Commentary Update for July 9, 2001: 100 Block Investigation, Spanbauer Complains About Commentary

Dear Commentary Viewers:

Oshkosh Mayor Jon Dell'Antonia and Councilor Mark Harris will be the guests on Commentary this week. We interview them on Wednesday and the show should air this Thursday at 7 p.m. Please let Jim or me know if you think any specific issues should be addressed.


Today's Northwestern has a story by Karl Ebert about District Attorney Joe Paulus' investigation into the common council's possible violations of the state open meetings law during their closed 100 block deliberations. As you may recall, I asked Paulus to open the investigation after Councilors Bloechl and Esslinger appeared on Commentary and were not at all clear about why the Council went into closed session and what happened when they did. Here's the Ebert story:

Finally, it has come to my attention that former Oshkosh Common Councilor Larry Spanbauer, who was called a "stooge" on last week's show by former Mayor Bob Jungwirth, called UW Oshkosh Chancellor Rick Wells to complain about the program. I have not talked to the Chancellor about the complaint, but if I do I will tell him that Mr. Spanbauer is free to come on the program or write a letter to us if he wishes that we will gladly read on the air. What we will not do is try and control the speech of our guests--the First Amendment reigns supreme on Commentary!

