Commentary Update for June 18th, 2003: President Clark, Get the Scene, Reclaiming the Media, Budget Follies/Fiscal Feudalism, Wal-Mart Watch, Is he talking about Oshkosh?, WMDs

On June 19th Jim Mather and I will begin taping some new shows. John Iwata of University Relations/Publications will serve as our director/camera operator. We are very grateful for the help.

We'll be taping half-hour segments. The first segment will be with Teresa Thiel, a member of the Oshkosh Area School District Board of Education. Recently the Oshkosh Northwestern called on Thiel to resign because she can't vote on contract issues as her husband is a teacher in the district:

This is the second time the Brigade has called for Thiel's resignation. The first was on February 8, 2002:

At that time, Commentary compiled relevant state documents affecting the situation:

In our second segment we will interview regular guest James Simmons. Dr. Simmons is chair of the UW Oshkosh Department of Political Science. He is co-author (with Ben Page) of _What Government Can Do_:

In Other News:

*President Wesley Clark?: I watched former NATO Supreme Commander General Wesley K. Clark interviewed by Tim Russert on Sunday and came to the conclusion that it is entirely possible for him to get the Democratic Party nomination for President and perhaps win the presidency:

Meanwhile, Howard Dean seemed to be a crowd favorite at the Wisconsin Democratic Party Convention last week:

*Get The Scene!: One of Wisconsin's most outstanding alternative papers, The Valley Scene, is available in hard copy for free at these locations:

Okay, the fact that I write a column for the Scene makes me a bit biased.

*Reclaiming the Media: There's still a chance for the Congress to reverse the FCC decision to eliminate media ownership restrictions. Bob McChesney and John Nichols inform activists how to petition the Congress:

*Budget Follies/Fiscal Feudalism: I guess so that we won't forget who his real masters are, Jim The New Democrat Doyle announced this week his support for additional corporate tax breaks in the state:
Here's the Doyle press release:

And Doyle has the gall to object to Common Cause's call for him to refrain from fundraising during the budget deliberations?

The Republican dominated Joint Finance Committee passed the corporate tax break lunacy yesterday:

Looks like Doyle is backing off somewhat on his threat to veto the entire Republican budget:

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign accurately calls the Doyle/Republican disgraceful budgets a kind of "fiscal feudalism":

*Wal-Mart Watch: Stan Cox has a solid piece in Corp Watch on the sorry state of Wal-Mart wages: He quotes Fortune Magazine, "Wal-Mart in 2003 is, in short, a lot like America in 2003: a sole superpower with a down-home twang."

Derf imagines the Wal-Mart greeter 60 years from now:

*Is He Talking About Oshkosh?: Anti-Sprawl guru Jim Kunstler went to Grand Rapids, Michigan (home of Leslie Lynch King; A.K.A. Gerald Ford) and came to the conclusion that "the Midwest is so heartbreaking." I thought he was talking about Oshkosh when he said this: "Now there is something especially clueless about the civic leadership of the Midwest. Babbitry is truly alive and well in its pure form as first identified by Sinclair Lewis -- that is, the hyper-kenetic boosterism based on savage real estate exploitation with an overlay of hysterical optimism." Then an ominous conclusion: "The American public -- and these Midwesterners are the very soul of that public -- are going to keep on doing their thing until circumstances make it impossible. They're not interested in making good towns and cities. They just want to make money the way they know how. They're going to keep the pavers rolling, and keep the framers knocking up the McHouses, and keep putting in the Meijer hyper-stores, until the big red 'TILT' sign lights up the sky. And then they'll become a nation of vengeful crybabies, shooting things here, there, and everywhere. You heard it here first."

*What About Those WMD's?: Congressman Henry Waxman (D-California) wrote a letter to Condi Rice asking why the president had forged evidence in his state of the union speech:
Mark Fiore has discovered the WMD Finder:

All the best,
