Commentary Update for May 24, 2001: Citizen Statement Policy, Derek Dahlke

Dear Commentary Viewers:

I wrote a short critique of the Oshkosh Common Council's new citizen statement policy:

I would be happy to post additional comments on the web site about this topic if anyone is interested in submitting such comments. The site is actually getting a decent sized readership these days, which is nice to see.

Other news:
*Mr. Mather and I have learned that Derek Dahlke, the man who reported to the Northwestern that his 6 year old son was accused of sexual harassment in a case of zero-tolerance policies gone awry (see, has a lengthy record of clashes with the law, including felony weapons possession and battery. Check out the court records yourself at . Perhaps the Northwestern, which saw fit to point out that the father of a victim of a drunken driver had himself been convicted of drunk driving almost 10 years ago, would see fit to investigate Dahlke? Ya think?
